
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

oDesk Windows XP Test Answers for Microsoft Operating System Users

Total oDesk Care, oDesk Exam Center, oDesk Windows XP Test Answer,
Windows XP is very simple and user friendly operating system and developer is Microsoft Corporation Ltd. Though Windows XP is a premium operating system but in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and more others poor countries it free and there are no copyright issue here. But all reach countries can use windows XP operating system beta version. By the way, there is a large numbers of people are using windows XP operating system in the world and I also used windows XP operating system actually it is very simple operating system and easy to use.

If you are working on oDesk and you are a windows XP operating system user you can take the odesk windows XP test. The windows XP test is not important to take but it can improve your skills and can strong your contractor profile. Though we are using windows XP operating system or some of them used and we have a great experience about the windows XP operating system we can take this test very easily. After all we can check out our windows XP knowledge.

What type of questions will ask me?
Here is syllabus about windows XP operating system test and blow the  
Test Contents
1. Windows Basics
2. Windows Accessories
3. Files and Folders
4. New Features in Windows XP
oDesk will ask you about the Test Contents and you need to answers the all questions one by one that’s it.

Windows Basics: In this section odesk will ask you very simple question about Microsoft windows XP. A basic knowledge of windows xp has very one and I think also to you. If you do not answer the basic questions answers means you are not Microsoft windows XP user or you are trying badly. One sample question for you, following these section blows.

Which of the following features is/are available in Windows XP?

a) A built-in CD burner   
b) Windows Media Player 
c) Windows antivirus
d) Microsoft Excel

Windows Accessories: We know that windows XP outlooks is very nice and colorful batter that windows operating systems. In this section odesk will ask you about Windows Accessories. For your kind information see blow the one sample question.

Which of the following features is/are new in the Windows XP Start menu?
A.        It shows you who is logged on.
B.        It automatically adds the most frequently used programs.
C.        It enables you to move any program you want to the Start menu.
D.        The pinned list (at the top of the Start menu) will be automatically loaded with the user's default Web browser and e-mail program.

Files and Folders: It is a very advance level section of windows XP test and here odesk will ask you about many types of files and folders. One sample question blow:

The Microsoft file format that contains the bitmapped graphics and metadata for the skins used in the three preinstalled Windows XP visual themes is:

A.        .msthemes
B.        .msstyles
C.        .msskins
D.        .msluna

Where the oDesk Windows XP Test Answers?
For our copyright policy we are unable to publish the oDesk Windows XP Test Answers please download the oDesk Windows XP Test Answers from the link blow in PDF format.

Warning: If you are illiterate about windows XP please do not take this test.


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