
Monday, September 10, 2018


In the recent years freelancing or outsourcing is a very good profession but successful career depend on good skill. If you are interested to earn some extra money from online or want to establish your online career you need to obey some rules. Remember one thing that freelancing or outsourcing profession is not easy when you start working in this platform here you will face many problems and you should accept and need to solve problems properly. This article will show you that how to win freelancing or online job quick and easily.  

1. Self-Marketing: Actually if you want to win online job you need to self-marketing. Don’t think that marketing means sending email to another’s, spamming and so on. Marketing means highlighting your original powerful skills to your clients. Remember one thing that world respect original powerful skills only and also hate idealness.

2. Active on Social Media: In Bangladesh situation Active on Social Media means active on facbook 24 hours. Actually maximum clients are active on twitter and but more than 80% Bangladeshi, Indian and Paskistnai people are avoid twitter and  By creating a powerful LinkedIn profile may you win online jobs but you need to active and update.

3. Creating Own Website: If you create your own portfolio website here you can add or decorated your own working successful projects at a glance. When you submit your job applications then you can refer your portfolio website and buyers highly grand it and you may hair maximum times.  

4. Buildups Strong Skills: If you want to more strong your skills you can start blogging and you can write yourself and about your strong skills. Now submit your CV type articles on article directories as like as EzineAricles, Hubpages and so on.
Note: Do not post one single article so many article directories. Please write each article for every directory. Copy and paste can damage your skills forever. So don’t blind.

5. Knowing Working Categories: When you working any kinds of online jobs you need to know you’re working categories means acquire proper knowledge. It is not a tips it is a basic need of a professional freelancer. Every man has deferent working categories and every one expert in one category and you need to find out your most common and very strong skill. Then start your work in your most common and very strong skill that can success your career.

6. Portfolio Updating: Maximum freelancers win first project very soon but they cannot win next project soon because they do not update their portfolio next time as like as first time. If you do not update your portfolio project regularly you may lose your time and may not win jobs regularly. When you successfully done any new project add the project details as a new portfolio project with proper descriptions and project URL with a screenshot. Remember one note that takes your top portfolio project always tops and ups.

The Next part will be publish at on "How to Blogging" Section. Please checkout for last update topics.


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